Look into the future with confidence!Are you striving for economic success, dreaming of a sustainable future or even both?
Together towards the future –
economically and ecologically
“Endure” stands for “to prove persistence”, “to last”. For us, this is our principle in two respects: we reconcile economic success AND climate neutrality in companies to make them more sustainable. For this purpose, we are professionals in operational implementation – we accompany you on every step of the way and ensure that not only your processes, but also your culture and the way your organization thinks and works are changed for the long term.
Whether you only want to change individual areas or rebuild the big picture – we make it possible. Custom-tailored implementation planning is a prerequisite for success. For us, four elements are essential for the sustainability and success of an organization.
Learn more about how we activate you and your company!
Balance isn’t either/or; it’s and.
Stephen Covey

ESG & Sustainability Strategie
What do we understand by “ESG & sustainability strategy”?
Creating competitiveness through sustainable development is a central issue to which our approach to ESG & sustainability strategy is dedicated. Our aim is to develop a shared understanding of the business benefits of sustainability and to define development paths based on realistic scenarios. In this way, we ensure that sustainability is in line with the other corporate goals and that the handling of conflicting objectives is transparent.
At the same time, we focus on operationalization to ensure that the implementation of the strategy is always an integral part of our considerations. In this way, companies avoid the risk of being associated with greenwashing from the outset.
Benefits in a nutshell:
- Opportunities and risks of sustainability for the future success of the company are analyzed
- Specific ESG targets and target corridors are defined and integrated into the corporate strategy
- Possible fields of action & measures to achieve the targets are identified and prioritized
- Authentic strategy and action plan
- Action plan is developed that is not associated with greenwashing

Developing an integrated strategy
Approach:Creating transparency regarding the relevance of sustainability for the business model and defining a sustainability strategy in line with the corporate strategy.
Results of the development of an integrated strategy:
- Opportunities and risks of sustainability for the future success of the company are analyzed.
- Business case of sustainability for the company is defined.
- There is an understanding of the future viability of the existing business model.
- A common vision for the company that anchors sustainability & other strategic goals has been developed & is shared by the stakeholders.

Defining sustainability goals
Approach:Definition of targets for various relevant ESG fields, taking into account conflicting objectives. Determination of necessary KPIs/data points to measure target achievement.
Results of defining sustainability targets:
- Specific ESG targets and target corridors are defined
- Conflicting objectives between different targets are known & are highlighted and taken into account accordingly in decision-making processes.
- Relevant data/ KPIs for measuring target achievement are determined. Examples are Corporate carbon footprint & product carbon footprint

Establishing measures and control systems
Approach:Identify and prioritize suitable measures to achieve objectives. Determine success factors for the implementation of the measures and establish corresponding control structures.
Results of establishing measures & control systems:
- Possible fields of action and measures to achieve the objectives are identified and prioritized.
- Relevant data/KPIs are measured/ have been determined (e.g. carbon footprint, life cycle analyses, ESG standards).
- Success factors & resources required to implement measures are known.
- Responsibilities & structures for managing the measures are established.
- Competence and resource gaps for implementing prioritized measures are known & are closed.

What do we understand by “CSRD & sustainability reporting”?
It is obvious: the requirements for sustainability reporting are becoming increasingly extensive and complex. We are convinced that these requirements are not just annoying bureaucracy, but also offer the opportunity to further develop your company in terms of future competitiveness! Our focus is on realizing this potential through the development of effective sustainability reporting.
Together, we work out which ESG topics are relevant for your company. We support you in identifying the necessary data points/KPIs for the report and also in recognizing potential for the further development of your company. All of this is done in full compliance with the legal requirements of the CSRD.
Benefits in a nutshell:
- Complete transparency regarding the relevance and priority of various ESG issues for the company is established
- Necessary information, data and KPIs have been determined
- Reporting process contributes significantly to the future competitiveness of the company
- The company is fully compliant with the legal requirements for sustainability reporting (CSRD)

Carry out a materiality analysis
Approach:Evaluate all required ESG/sustainability topics in terms of their relevance for the company, in the sense of double materiality and in accordance with the ESRS standard. Also consider the perspective of stakeholders (through direct involvement or in anticipation).
Results of a materiality analysis:
- Relevant topics for the company’s business development (economic success, environmental and social impact) are identified
- Validated assumptions relating to material sustainability topics from the perspective of internal & external stakeholders are described & evaluated
- The organization is capable of carrying out sustainability analyses itself in line with the company’s objectives and using the results of the development of sustainability reporting in line with CSRD requirements.

Developing a sustainability report
Approach:Understand the requirements of the CSRD and the ESRS standard. Determine necessary data and create structures. Prepare a sustainability report in accordance with the principles and form of CSRD.
Results of the development of the sustainability report:
- Necessary data is determined and structures defined (e.g. objectives, strategies, guidelines, measures) in accordance with the ESRS standard.
- The results are summarized in a CSRD-compliant sustainability report.
- The company is able to carry out and further develop the annual reporting process independently.
- The company can efficiently complete sustainability questionnaires from customers and rating agencies (e.g. Ecovadis, CDP, MSCI ESG).

Expanding competitiveness
Approach:Identification of growth and efficiency potential and risk assessment in relation to relevant ESG issues. Prioritization of potentials and development of a plan to manage risks and leverage potentials, integrated into a learning process.
Results of expanding competitiveness:
- Potential for sustainable growth and innovation is leveraged.
- The efficiency of processes is increased and cost-saving potential is leveraged.
- Risk assessment and risk management are established in a comprehensive and targeted manner.
- The brand perception and reputation of the company are enhanced.

Climate Protection & CO2-MANAGEMENT
What do we understand by “climate protection & CO2 management”?
The effects of climate change will impact almost every business model in the future. The increasing demands from regulations, customers and investors require a detailed examination of the topic of climate protection. It is not just about compliance, but also about recognizing opportunities that can strengthen your own competitiveness.
Together with you, we develop a comprehensive CO2 balance sheet, both at company and product level. Based on this analysis, we set clear goals and measures that can be seamlessly integrated into your corporate strategy and ensure long-term competitiveness. At the same time, we strengthen the skills of your organization to successfully implement the necessary transformation.
Benefits in a nutshell:
- Complete transparency with regard to CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions in the value chain and specifically for products/services
- Climate strategy and measures that are consistent with the corporate strategy and other corporate goals
- Clear understanding of how to implement the climate strategy so that this improves the future viability of the company
- Utilization of possible public funding opportunities for the creation and implementation of a climate strategy

Create a CO2 balance sheet
Approach:Determine the accounting framework for the carbon footprint (scopes 1, 2, 3) and create a database for the accounting. Identify improvement potential for data management and set up processes for annual/continuous CO2 balancing, including the use of suitable software if necessary.
Results after calculating the CO2 balance:
- Corporate Carbon Footprint: CO2 balance at company level has been created – Scope 1-3
- Product carbon footprint: CO2 balance at product level has been drawn up – Scope 1-3
- Potential for reducing the carbon footprint is known
- Potential for improving the database is known
- Organization is capable of preparing carbon footprints independently

Developing a transformation concept
Approach:Determine targets for the reduction of greenhouse gases based on the carbon footprint, integrated into the corporate strategy. Identify and prioritize reduction potentials, translate them into an action plan or transformation path and establish a suitable control structure.
Results after development of the transformation concept:
- CO2 reduction targets and target corridors are defined
- Targets are in line with scientific findings and certified where applicable (SBTi)
- Measures to achieve the targets are identified and prioritized on a development path
- Structures for implementing and managing the measures have been created.

Use funding opportunities
Approach:Examination of funding opportunities for the creation of transformation concepts and the implementation of CO2 reduction measures. Preparation of funding applications, monitoring of projects in accordance with the funding guidelines and preparation of a final report for submission to the funding body.
Results of funding opportunities:
- Funding opportunities for the creation of transformation concepts are utilized
- Transformation concepts are created in accordance with the funding guidelines
- Funding opportunities for the implementation of CO2 reduction measures are utilized
- CO2 reduction measures are implemented in accordance with the funding guidelines

What do we understand by “Operational Excellence & Lean Management”?
We see operational excellence as a decisive catalyst for the implementation of your business strategy. Together with you, we strive for world-class results by consistently aligning, continuously improving and constantly developing all processes. We gradually involve the entire organization in this process. Our aim is to work with you to achieve outstanding performance in terms of customer satisfaction, productivity, quality and cost efficiency.
We work with you on the path from defining the strategy to targeted management and understanding the losses through to operational tracking by store floor management. These steps are essential components of our joint work. In addition, it is particularly important to us to enable your entire organization to jointly drive, implement and sustainably anchor improvements.
Benefits in a nutshell:
- The corporate strategy is translated into all areas, is measurably tracked and employees know their contribution.
- Priorities for implementation with regard to targets (costs, quality, time, employees) are clear.
- Targets are achieved in terms of productivity, costs and throughput times.
- Employees control, decide and improve their performance at all levels.

Create transparency
Approach:We define the relevant key figures and record them to track the targets at all levels. We then collect the losses for the key figures and establish a system for continuous recording and tracking.
Results of creating transparency:
- The right key figures are defined and standardized.
- The relevant key figures are available at every level and in every area.
- Losses are defined, standardized and recorded.
- An understanding of the performance and problems of the individual processes has been established.
- The potential for improvement is transparent.

Increase efficiency / reduce costs
Approach:The losses are attacked and eliminated using the right methods from the TPM, Lean, Six Sigma & TQM toolkits. This establishes a production system. The joint implementation & targeted change management enables our customers to eliminate the losses independently and to develop the system.
Results by increased efficiency:
- Costs are reduced.
- Productivity is increased.
- Throughput times are reduced.
- Employees are empowered to make independent continuous improvements (CIP).

secure results
Approach:Standards serve as the basis for high process performance. It is also important to keep processes at the highest level. We achieve this through targeted store floor management . Process performance is tracked transparently, deviations in operational activities are analyzed and countermeasures for improvement are implemented.
Secured results:
- Process performance remains continuously at the highest level.
- Store floor management with problem solving is established.
- Efficiency is increased through operational loss elimination.
- Standards are created, trained and anchored in the processes.
- Employees are empowered to eliminate losses independently (store floor management, kaizen).

Building Competence
What do we understand by “building competence”?
A fundamental aspect of our support is to share our knowledge with our customers. We work out the necessary requirements, define them clearly and work with you to implement a program that specifically empowers your employees. Our focus is on the specific qualification of technical and methodological skills. By implementing a qualification system, we ensure that priorities are clear and that implementation can be planned. Together, we create an excellent process of knowledge transfer and skills development.
Benefits in a nutshell:
- Competence requirements for the organization are defined.
- Competence requirements for each role are defined, clear and documented.
- A qualification system is established and ensures continuous, needs-based training.
- The organization can continue to develop independently.

Define required competence
Approach:The competencies for the roles in our clients’ companies are developed and defined based on the competency requirements of the organization.
Results of defining required competence:
- Relevant competencies for the company are defined.
- Competency requirements per role are clear.
- Competence requirements are part of every job description.

Establish a qualification system
Approach:The actual qualification is compared with the target qualification and qualification gaps become transparent. The structured closure of qualification gaps through training follows clear priorities.
Results of an established qualification system:
- Training gaps and priorities are transparent.
- Managers have a clear plan for implementing training.
- Internal trainers are empowered to close training gaps.
- The implementation of training courses and the qualification system are continuously developed.

Approach:Demand analysis, specific individual training goals, tailor-made programs and continuous adaptation – an academy promotes employee development and the achievement of corporate goals. Open communication, experienced trainers and a learning culture guarantee success.
Results of an academy:
- Targeted further development of the skills of the workforce
- Support for individual employees, tailored to the needs of the company and the individual person
- If necessary, rapid qualification of a broad base of employees
- New methods and skills that can be incorporated directly into day-to-day business

What do we understand by “Sustainable Operations?”
For us, sustainable operations is a comprehensive approach that takes into account and shapes the entire life cycle of products and services in order to minimize the impact on the environment and society. The necessary perspective for positive economic, ecological and social benefits includes the areas of Sustainable Manufacturing, Sustainable Procurement & Supply Chain Management and Circular Economy.
Benefits in a nutshell:
- Improved efficiency and productivity by reducing resource consumption and waste to a minimum
- Increased innovative strength through alternative processes and materials
- Facilitates talent attraction and retention
- Improved brand image, ESG rating & creditworthiness
- Competitive advantage: Increased sales through better fulfillment of customer expectations regarding the environment

Sustainable Manufacturing
Approach:Use of environmentally friendly production methods & efficient use of resources. Minimizing waste and emissions and focusing on social responsibility throughout the production process.
- Reduce: Reduction of resources, materials, energy and waste throughout the entire life cycle
- Reuse: Reusing components reduces energy and water consumption
- Recycle: Reuse of components reduces the introduction of new resources
- Recover: Recovery through dismantling, taking back and sorting & shredding of materials
- Redesign: Using the knowledge of recovered resources to design the next generation of products
- Remanufacture: reuse of components and products

Sustainable Procurement & Supply Chain Management
Approach:The systematic integration of ecological, social and ethical criteria into the entire procurement process in order to promote environmentally friendly and socially responsible supply chains.
- Implemented supply chain traceability systems
- A supplier network with environmental commitment
- Use of environmentally friendly and ethical materials
- Reduction of CO2 emissions through sustainable purchasing & optimized logistics processes
- Ensuring fair working conditions throughout the supply chain

Circular Economy
Approach:Closed material cycles & supply chain cooperation ensure sustainable use of resources. The aim is to minimize waste, maximize product lifespan and create a sustainable economic model. The circular economy reduces negative impacts throughout the life cycle.
- Primary materials are substituted by secondary materials
- Negative effects of your product life cycles are significantly reduced
- Conversion of the business model from linear “take-make-discard” to a closed cycle
- Holistic implementation of sustainable manufacturing and sustainable supply chain
- Closed loops within the supply chain