Home 9 Climate 9 Transparency as a starting point on the way to a sustainable industrial company

Transparency as a starting point on the way to a sustainable industrial company

02.11.2021 | Climate, Climate, Unkategorisiert | 0 comments

Creating transparency: What relevance does sustainability have for my company and how can we form long-term economic success sustainably?

Sustainability: a focal point for the future success of the company 

Our experience shows that a holistic view of sustainability is like a focal point for future success of the company. Many companies understand sustainability as a catalogue of requirements of customers, investors, and society, which they should meet. However, this is too short-sighted, because by shifting the view a bit, one can both see efficiency and cost reduction opportunities and identify new market and innovation potentials! The perspective of ‘managing sustainably’ thus offers a starting point for a transformation that results in a future-proof company, equivalent to an improved competitive position, economic growth and positive contributions to the environment and society.


Transparency as a starting point for a target oriented transformation

Even if necessity and value-add of sustainability seem to be clear for a company, there are still a few questions around that we often hear:  Which requirements (from customers, investors, employees, society) should we meet? What is the business case of sustainability for our company? How is our company positioned in terms of sustainability? How can we identify and prioritize actions? Where should we start?


Our Quick-Check sustainability strategy allows to create transparency towards these and other questions!


You will achieve an understanding of challenges and opportunities of sustainability for the company and afterwards can identify approaches for the integration of sustainability into corporate management and processes – in line with corporate goals. As a result, you will develop trust and confidence to be able to initiate a sustainable transformation process in a value-adding way.


Tailor-made analysis based on your questions and goals


The Quick-Check sustainability strategy is based on up-to-date knowledge, informed structure and years of experience, and it is, nevertheless, an analysis tool tailor-made for you. The specific approach is tailored to questions and goals of your company. During a preparatory discussion, we jointly determine fields of analysis, discussion partners and format for interpreting results based on your goals. We then conduct the analysis by drawing on our knowledge base, interviews and documents provided by your organization.


You will receive a report which, in addition to general analyses of your industry and regulatory requirements, contains specific results regarding the previously defined fields of analysis. The report also identifies fields of action as well as possible starting points for measures considering the Quick-Check results. We discuss the report together in your desired format, e.g. during a short conversation or intensive workshop.


We want to offer you a holistic approach in which sustainability is thought of in an integrated way, in conjunction with your company’s business model, strategy and processes. With the Quick-Check sustainability strategy, we offer an instrument for creating transparency – without risks and excessive use of resources for your company!


Further details about the Quick-Check sustainability strategy are available in our brochure.  Image source: pexels.com/KM L